ARC Team

 I’m currently accepting new members for my ARC team. If you’ve reviewed for me before, please note that in the comments because you’re more likely to get accepted!

ARC copies are free ebooks (often in advance of release) that I want to give to my biggest fans and people who love reviewing. If you become part of the team, you will receive these copies in your inbox when they become available. 


Information about my ARC Team:

  • You are not required to review every book.
  • It is highly appreciated if you review within a month of downloading the ARC copy.
  • Do not share ARCs with anyone else.
  • It is highly appreciated if you post reviews on as many retailers & review sites as possible.
  • You can leave the ARC team at any point and sign-up again later.
  • If you don’t want to automatically receive ARCs or sign up to the team but just get one specific ARC, you can sign-up for them individually here: